Apparently Hermione is out... for a little ride... in the moonlight. Haha. But by her lack of clothes I might guess that a broom isn't the only thing she intends to ride this evening. Great likeness by the artist, Tim Grayson. I'll be looking for more of his work for sure. Enjoy!
Hermione Granger Erotica
Harry Potter fan made erotica, based primarily around Hermione Granger and set in the wizarding world.
Disclaimer: This page is for adults only. All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are purely fictional and the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. Pictures. The author of this blog is in no way associated with the owners, creators or producers of this media franchise, nor does he claim ownership or try to make any profit out of it. No copyright infringement is intended.
Saturday, May 27, 2017
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Hermione Granger's Panties
Here's a couple of Hermione looking super adorable in her panties. I like to think this is what she wears to bed. The first picture for when the weather is cold, and the second when the weather is warm. Maybe she heard a noise late at night and she's gone to investigate it. The noise was probably Harry and Ron under the invisibility cloak trying to sneak a peak at those perfect breasts. Or Maybe Hermione is off to meet a special someone for a late night romp! The artist has a blog at
Saturday, April 15, 2017
Happy Birthday Emma!
To celebrate Emma Watson's birthday today here is some great fan art based on her most recent iconic character, Belle. A Beauty in the street and a Beast in the sheets? I certainly hope so! The artist signed their work and I do not claim it as my own. Enjoy!
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Hermione's reward
Here's a fun one from Akabur. I love all the detail they add to their art. Looks like this time Professor Snape is rewarding Hermione's academic diligence with a cream pie. Hermione appears very worried since anyone in the next room could wander in and catch them at any moment. Meanwhile Moaning Myrtle and the wizard in the portrait both look like they've gotten so turned on by the live sex show that they want to join in. And maybe they will! Hogwarts, a truly magical place where anything is possible. Enjoy!
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Harry Potter and the Seven Lost Virginities: Part 3
I had some connectivity issues with my internet, but I promise this part was actually ready and meant to be posted on 19 September, just in time to celebrate Hermione's birthday! But here it is now, part 3 of my own Hermione Granger erotic fan fiction. This part got so lengthy that I finally just decided to split it into two parts. So what was originally part 3 will now be parts 3 and 4. This also means that it definitely won't take as long for me to finish up part 4 and get it posted also. If you haven't read parts 1 and 2 yet you can do so by going to my past entries in my Blog Archive, August 2015 for part 1, and January 2016 for part 2. Don't forget to comment, and tell your friends if you like it. Enjoy!
Blog Archive located here ------------------------------------------------>
Harry Potter and the Seven Lost Virginities: Part 3
Harry Potter flew through the spring air as fast as the old school broom could carry him. His entire being ached with a need like he had never felt before. Harry's impossibly attractive classmates, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, had brought his arousal to a boiling point and he desperately needed to feel them again. Both of them. Every inch. But first he had to catch them. As badly as he wanted to once again penetrate them both, he could hardly contain himself just at the thought of licking their beautifully smooth, young pussies. He couldn't wait to get to some real action. To feel their naked skin pressed against his own. To rub them, and squeeze them. To possess their most private parts.
The girls were flying fast on their brooms, already nearing the other end of the pitch. It seemed impossible that he would ever catch them riding a lousy school broom, but that wasn't all that was impeding his speed. It was also quite uncomfortable for a wizard to be riding a broom nearly naked and with a full erection. But at least it was the best of the school brooms so there was no danger of splinters.
For the moment the witches seemed to be paying no attention to him. He was gaining on them as they rounded the goal posts. Then just as he had nearly caught up to the pair of topless teases Harry heard Ginny yell.
"Now!" and her and Hermione split in two different directions. That's something that no Snitch he ever chased could do.
Harry needed a plan. Obviously Hermione had the least amount of experience on a broom so she would be the easiest to catch and Harry should start with her. He tried making the kind of sharp turn he was used to but the old school broom was not up to his standards.
Meanwhile the girls were back to just enjoying the chase as they playfully taunted their sexually frustrated friend. More than anything though, they were enjoying the light vibrations from the broom handles of their powerful racing brooms. They could both feel a light buzzing between their legs as they rode. If they leaned back to slow down they could feel it on their delicate assholes. If they leaned forward to speed up they felt it directly on their sensitive clits. The vibrations seemed to increase with the speed of the brooms.
Ginny couldn't believe that even with all her experience on brooms she had never noticed the vibrations before, but then she had never ridden a broom naked.
"Why have I never done this? It's wonderful!" Ginny thought to herself. She had never felt so free and alive as the wind played through her long red hair and over her freckled skin. It teased her erect nipples and tickled her moist pussy. She was glad that Quidditch brooms were magically treated to keep moisture from damaging the wood because she was certainly going to leave hers drenched. She wondered to herself if that's where the old saying "Ridden hard and put away wet." had actually come from. Ginny realized then that this definitely would not be the last time she rode her broom hard while naked.
"Speaking of naked and hard, where is my boyfriend now?" She thought, bringing herself back to the task at hand. She looked around to see where her friends were and saw Harry gaining on Hermione. Ginny decided to intervene and keep the chase going on a little longer. She quickly turned her broom and sped toward them. The vibrations in her nether regions increased, exciting her further. As she reached her friends she flew lower and yelled up at Harry.
"Having fun, Harry?"
"I'll be having more fun in a minute!" Harry yelled down to her.
Just then the sunlight glistened on a drop of Hermione's pussy juice as it dripped from her broom. Without thinking Ginny's hand shot out with the agility of a true Seeker to catch the glittering drop. Ginny saw that Harry was watching and decided to lick Hermione's wetness from her palm. She relished the new feeling of arousal she got from tasting another girls juices for the first time.
"Ooh, she tastes so good, Harry! Too bad you can't catch her and find out for yourself!" She taunted her boyfriend. Harry crouched lower on his broom, trying to decrease wind resistance and increase his speed, while Ginny sped up and raised to fly beside Hermione. As she moved into position it was obvious to her that Harry must be able to see right up their school girl skirts as they blew in the wind.
They were indeed giving the young wizard quite a show. He had the perfect upskirt view of their assholes totally exposed as their moist pussies pressed against their broomsticks. He compared the beautiful teen witches side by side from this angle. It made Harry want them so badly. He was filled with a desperate need to taste them. His entire being ached to fuck them.
"Are you even trying, Harry? Or are you just taking your time to enjoy the view?" Hermione called over her shoulder causing her and Ginny both to giggle. They really enjoyed their teasing of the boy.
"Who wouldn't enjoy a view like this?" Harry smiled.
"If you can catch a little golden Snitch why can't you catch this little pink snatch?" Ginny added and the girls laughed again. Before Harry could respond Ginny had worked her skirt free with one hand, and removed it. Harry thought Ginny getting more naked was meant to encourage him until she held her skirt out and let it fly back right into his face.
"Hey!" Harry yelled, flying blind.
"Go, Hermione!" Ginny yelled, and the girls split up again.
Harry slowed and pulled Ginny's skirt off is face in time to see them race away laughing. Hermione was still his best bet, so he turned and sped off in her direction.
Hermione felt like she had done a decent job of evading her Seeker friend, even if he did have the disadvantage of a slower broom. But in a few short minutes he was gaining on her again. Even as horny as Hermione was, it was so much fun teasing Harry and for the moment wanted to keep going.
"Alright, Harry." She said to herself. "Let's see what your Firebolt can really do." But as she sped up as fast as she could the good vibrations from the powerful racing broom between her legs became too much to handle. She realized her mistake too late and came hard almost instantly.
"OH! Oooh!"
She felt so weakened that she leaned forward to clutch the broom with her whole body for fear of falling off. This shifting of her weight made by such an inexperienced rider only caused the vibrating hard wood to buck wildly beneath her, greatly intensifying her orgasm.
"Ah! Haa!" All she could do was scream her utter bliss as she held tightly to the magnificent magical thing.
"Yeeess! Yes! Oh! Oh! Aaaahhh! Haaaaaahhhh! FUCK! YES! Aaaaahhhh! Oohhh!“ Her pussy creamed onto Harry's broom as it slowed, and Hermione rode out her wildly fulfilling orgasm. This allowed Harry to easily swoop in from behind. As he approached he stole another glance up her skirt at her delicious round ass before getting one arm around her quivering form to stop her completely. Hermione's naked skin felt so good against his own and it made Harry's cock throb as he held her tight. He needed to feel more.
"Alright, you caught me!" Hermione said still breathing hard, and not fighting Harry's embrace as much as someone would have if they didn't actually want to get caught. It actually felt very good to be held after her climax, and she was still trembling slightly.
As Hermione sat up again she turned to look into Harry's eyes just as she felt him pull her closer. His arm was reaching further around her slender form, and he looked right back into her eyes as she felt his hand reach her firm, full breast. Harry smiled when she made no attempt to stop him. It felt better than Harry had ever dreamed. He never new anything could feel so smooth and soft. Hermione continued to breathe heavily through her mouth as Harry cupped her breast and began to gently squeeze.
Hermione’s flesh was cool from racing in the wind. Her breast was so round and fit perfectly in Harry’s hand. Her nipple was already firm, yet responsive to his touch. As Harry pinched it between two fingers Hermione could hold herself back no longer and lunged to kiss him. Harry held her tighter as she wrapped one arm around him. He squeezed her tit harder as he felt her soft tongue invading his mouth.
At all of the combined sensations Harry’s cock became so hard that it hurt but he didn’t even care. Hermione sighed deeply, humming into Harry‘s mouth. It was the perfect tender kiss. The one they had both been longing for since the moment Hermione had given Harry her virginity and climaxed on his cock. But Hermione knew she had to stop kissing him now or she may never be able to. She pulled away, to his obvious disappointment and tried to refocus on their little game of chase.
"I guess I have to help you catch Ginny now." Hermione offered.
"Hermione, I need more. Please? I have to taste you. Please, can I lick your pretty pussy already?"
Hermione couldn't suppress her smile upon hearing the desperation in Harry's voice as he begged to lick her “pretty pussy“.
"The deal was you can lick us both once you catch us both. I'm too sensitive right now anyway." She watched as Harry's hopeful expression fell. Then she noticed a large drop of pre-come oozing from the tip of her best friend’s ridged erection, and it gave her an idea.
"But... since I hate to make you wait and, ahem, we both seem to have a surplus of fluids at the moment…” She glanced obviously at Harry’s dribbling dick. “I'd love for you to taste me right now. So let‘s make a trade."
Harry's eyes widened as Hermione raised slightly off the Firebolt and slid two fingers into her moist hole. She gave a soft moan "Mmm..." and pulled her fingers out again lustrous with her teenage cream.
“Go on.“ Hermione held her fingers away from him and nodded towards Harry’s cock.
“Oh, right.“ Harry scooped up his leaking load with his fingers and offered them to Hermione who paused a moment, looking into his green eyes.
“You know, Harry, as long as I’m around you never have to let a single drop of your semen go to waste. What are friends for, after all?” She said softly and then held her fingers in front of Harry’s lips where he immediately sucked them.
With eyes closed Harry savored the experience of tasting a woman's wetness for the first time. The taste he had been craving that matched the delicious scent he had first smelled on Hermione’s wet panties. The flavor that equaled the aroma in the air after Hermione made love to him for the very first time.
Hermione watched Harry enjoying himself while she slowly licked the treat from his fingers and couldn't help but smile as he seemed to enjoy her cum as much as she had been enjoying his.
"You taste so good, Hermione." Harry complimented when he was finished.
"Thank you." Hermione grinned slyly, thinking of all the ways she could satisfy her urges with the help of a handsome friend who was so eager just to taste her pussy juice.
"Now let's catch your girlfriend so you can taste her." Hermione removed her skirt, folded it, and placed it under her sensitive pussy to eliminate the vibrations she would otherwise feel.
"And maybe I'll taste her too." She added to spur on the boy wizard’s excitement.
"Yes!" Harry expressed his love for the idea as they sped off towards Ginny. They could both see her easily at the other end of the pitch. Her copper colored hair was glinting in the bright sunlight, beckoning to them like a lucky penny.
"Okay, I figure I can't match her speed on this broom, and you can't match her maneuverability." Harry explained, trying to focus on his Quidditch instincts so he could finally end this torturous waiting game.
"Right. So what's the plan?" Hermione asked.
"I fly at her straight from here, and you swoop around that way. We come at her from separate directions and force her to fly along a wall.
"We need to make her fly as fast as she can." Hermione said.
"You saw what just happened to me. Trust me Harry. We need her to fly as fast as her broom will go."
"Okay. Right. Same basic plan. You try to chase her toward me. We want to push her towards the wall, so she'll have nowhere to go. We limit her exits and she'll have to speed off as fast as she can in whatever direction she can..."
"And then we'll have her. Trust me, Harry. If her Broom is half as powerful as my new best friend here, she won't get far!" Hermione laughed.
"Alright. Fly that way!" Harry instructed, and they split up.
Meanwhile Ginny had been having quite a good time on her own. She had tried all of the most difficult flying tricks that she knew, and just as she had expected, they were all ten times as exhilarating in her current state of undress. Just as she had finished with a series of loops she became aware of Harry flying fast in her direction.
"Oh, bloody hell!" Ginny exclaimed as she turned and flew the other way. She flew along the wall and was just about to change course when she saw Hermione flying at her from that way.
"We're gonna get you, Ginny!" Hermione yelled, feeling the need to warn her friend that she was no longer on her side.
"No fair!" Ginny yelled back.
Hermione's angle was just right so it wouldn't be safe to try to escape along the wall, or to Hermione's other side. Meanwhile Harry was closing fast from behind, leaving her very few options. Ginny's Quidditch instincts kicked in and she immediately thought "How would a snitch escape two seekers coming at it from these two angles?" She began bobbing up and down, then weaving left and right, trying to confuse her friends. Ginny's anticipation built as the two came closer and closer. If she wasn't careful they would have her trapped against the wall for sure. The excited panic built in her stomach like she hadn't felt since she was a child playing tag. She had to move now. She chose her best way out and faked to the left just as Harry and Hermione reached her. She then rolled and darted quick to the right, barely escaping in time.
Ginny was off like a shot toward center field but hadn't made it more than twenty feet from her pursuers when she realized the increased strength of the vibrations in her broom had just pushed her past the point of no return.
"Oh, no!...mmm...oooooohhhh....ooooohH!" She tried to fight it back, but that only made it more intense. "Haaa! Ahhh! Oohhhh!" She gripped her broom tightly with both hands and her muscular thighs. The wind tickling over her nakedness only intensified every sensation. She quickly forgot about escaping her friends and was now flying with no goal except to feel this powerful sexual gratification for as long as she possibly could.
"YES! Ahhh...FUCK..Ooooh! YES! Oh!" Her tits bounced as she began to grind and hump against the magical vibrating shaft of wood.
"FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! Aaaaaahhhhhh!" Her thighs burned from the effort and she changed her position as the broom began to slow. Now with one hand in front of her and the other gripping behind she slid her sopping cunt forward and back even faster.
"Uuuuhhhh! Uuuuhhhh! Oooooh! Mmmmm..." Ginny whined as her climax finally slowed along with her broom. Just then Harry and Hermione grabbed her from either side. In her vulnerable state it felt amazing being pressed tightly between the naked bodies of her friends. Harry couldn't help but steal a few squeezes of Ginny's lovely tits, just as he had done when he caught Hermione.
"Ooohh! Harry, behave yourself for a moment. We're not even back on the ground yet." She panted at her boyfriend, with a playful smile. With Harry and Hermione's help the three of them landed lightly on the soft grass of the Quidditch pitch. Harry's mouth was salivating at the thought of tasting Hermione Granger's little pussy again, and tasting Ginny’s ginger pussy for the first time. The three of them dropped their brooms on the grass in the warm sun.
"There, I caught you both. And you said, remember, you said I could lick both of you, and then maybe we'd do other things too! You said so, remember?" Harry was speaking quicker than usual, in his frantically aroused state.
"Well, I'll just watch for a minute. I'm sure I'm too sensitive right now." Ginny said removing her tie. "I can't believe how hard I just came on my broom!" She said with a laugh.
"They're amazing aren't they?" Hermione agreed, and took off her own tie. "Those vibrations. Don't be surprised if I ask to borrow your broom in future, Harry."
Harry had been admiring the teenage girls since they landed. Taking in every detail of their now completely nude bodies. They were both pale from the recent winter months, and it was now very noticeable that every inch of Ginny was covered in the same adorable freckles that covered her face. Their young bodies both had subtle differences yet somehow they were both obviously perfect. Harry's eyes traced over every curve and then he met Hermione's gaze.
She looked to her friend, who appeared very anxious. She took in the sight of his toned naked body with his rock hard erection jutting up into the air, pointed straight at her. He removed his tie as they had done, and Hermione realized that the time had come. Harry was obviously aching to please them both. Aching for his own release as well. Hermione had already decided that before the day was over she was going to give him all of herself. Everything he ached for and more. They were both finally going to have all the desires satisfied that had been building since the first day they met.
But Hermione just looked at her best friend, determined to make him ask for it. Maybe even wanting to hear him beg for it.
"Well, Hermione. What about you? You must be ready. Can I lick your pussy now?"
" “May I.” Mr. Potter." Hermione corrected him in her professor tone. She found him to be just too cute and she couldn't resist teasing him for a minute more. "You mean to ask "May I lick your pussy?"
"Whatever. Of course. May I Lick your pussy then?" Harry quickly asked.
"Well, I don't know..." Hermione played coy, placing her hands in front of her hairless vagina, and turning away slightly to look at him over one shoulder. She thought batting her eyes at him was an especially nice touch.
"Oh, come on! Please, Hermione? Please may I lick your beautiful, little pussy now?! You said I could! Please?!" He begged her. Ginny watched the exchange, very amused.
Hermione felt it would be cruel to keep Harry waiting any longer. Even as much as she was beginning to love her merciless teasing of her handsome friend. It was time for them to both get what they wanted.
"Alright, Harry. Yes, you may lick my beautiful, little pussy for me now."
Hermione loved how complimentary Harry was being while he was so horny for her, and made a mental note to watch for this kind of behavior in boys. Harry approached her, grateful to begin.
"Come here, and kneel down. Just like Ginny and I did for you." She pointed confidently to the grass just in front of her. Harry did as instructed like an excitable, obedient puppy.
"Don't you just love his eyes, Ginny?" She asked her friend.
"Oh yeah, they're the best in the school in my opinion." Ginny answered.
"You have such lovely green eyes, Harry, and I want to see them looking up at me while you do this. But don't move until I say." She took a small step forward and spread her legs to position herself.
Harry could smell her heated sex just inches away. It was even more intoxicating than when he smelled it on her panties or her fingers. This was direct from the source. He was dizzy with arousal as Hermione placed a soft hand on the side of his head
"Hands off for now. I just want your tongue." She instructed.
Harry did as he was told. His burning attraction for this intelligent, beautiful girl building further as he realized she was the kind of girl who knew exactly what she wanted, and how to get it. Hermione pulled his face toward her smooth separation excruciatingly slowly
"Don't move, Harry. Wait. Wait. Wait." She said in a near whisper.
Harry looked up into her angelic face, which from this angle was nearly eclipsed by her full, firm breasts. He loved how they looked even larger from his very subservient position, and he could barely contain himself. He kept looking up as he felt his lips finally contact her hot flesh. He couldn't resist pressing his face harder against her. He could actually feel her erect clitoris on his lips now and was already breathing heavier as he began trembling with his need to satisfy her every desire.
"Mmm...Now, Harry Potter, lick me." She softly ordered as she looked down into his green eyes.
Harry's tongue shot out of his mouth to penetrate Hermione's warm folds. He sawed it in and out lengthwise causing a delicious friction, repeatedly rubbing past her engorged clit.
"Oh… Oooooo..." his attractive classmate began to moan. She felt so hot and wet. So slippery smooth on his tongue. He tasted her wetness again and groaned.
"Oh, Harry..." Then he swallowed and felt a rush through his whole body that made his cock throb with pleasure. He loved the thought of Hermione's pussy juice being inside of him. A part of her becoming a part of him. Quenching his lustful thirst with the essence of Hermione.
"Ooo yeah, so good..." After a moment he widened his tongue, trying to cover her entire vulva and lapped her like a happy dog.
"Mmm...yeah..." she pulled his head tighter against her. Harry put his whole mouth on her to create a suction around her pink pearl while he teased it with his tongue.
"Yes! Mmmm...keep doing that." She placed her other hand on his head to hold him right on her love button. Harry enjoyed the view from below as her arms in this position squished her firm breasts together. After a minute Harry tilted his head farther back and began probing up into her, tongue fucking Hermione's insides.
"Oooh, Haaarry... " Hearing his name driven from Hermione's perfect lips only made him want to please her more. He increased the speed of his thrusting tongue.
"Oh, that's good!" She enjoyed this for minutes before deciding to take more control.
"Push your tongue against me. Hold it firm like that." Harry did so as Hermione gripped his untidy dark hair in both hands. She gyrated her hips and ground her clit in circles against his firm tongue.
"Yeah...Ooooh...mmmm!" She moaned low and sensual.
Then she rocked her hips forward and back as she held his head firmly to her burning genitals. She was using his mouth like her own personal sex toy and he loved it.
Ginny watched the erotic display as Hermione appeared to face fuck her boyfriend and felt a tingle in her loins at the thought of trying the same sort of things with him. But she knew she would have to let them go on just a little while longer before she'd be ready to join in the fun again.
Hermione was breathing so heavily now that Harry could no longer see her face past her heaving, pushed together, mounds of tit flesh.
"Haaa... Uhhh! Oooo!"
She was the most beautifully erotic being that Harry had ever seen, and he could no longer resist putting his hands on her. He placed them first on her toned calves and felt their smoothness. He moved them up to her juicy thighs, squeezing them. Finally he slid them up to her firm, round ass cheeks. He cupped them, loving the feel of their weight on his palms before he began kneading them. Every inch of Hermione's skin felt like living silk. He squeezed her ass harder, pulling her tighter against him as Hermione continued her gyrations on his tongue. The girl began to tremble.
"Ahhh...Oooh...Yes! Fuck, that‘s good!" His strong hands on her bottom felt so amazing while he ate her that Hermione felt her knees wobble. They were obviously ready to buckle from the intense pleasure Harry was giving her and she decided they had better change position.
"Wait, Harry." Harry nearly panicked as she pushed him from her.
"Lie down for me." Harry released her cheeks and quickly did as he was told.
"I know we said you had to lick us both to orgasm before you could fuck us again, but I don't think I can wait that long to get something stiff up my cunt." Hermione's eyes sparkled as she spoke the provocative words, and she got down on her knees to straddle Harry's erection.
"Besides, I'm sure we can trust you, can't we?" Hermione lowered herself down on top of Harry and sat on him so that his hard cock was pressed between his lower abdomen and her sultry pussy.
"Ooo, yes, of course you can." Harry quickly agreed, loving Hermione's body weight on top of him. It made him ache to buck against her. He could feel Hermione's heat and moisture on the underside of his dick. It throbbed and with Hermione pressing down on him even she could feel it.
"I'm sure you'll still be happy to lick both of us until we come, won't you?" Hermione giggled and began sliding forward and back to slowly grind her wet pussy against the full length of Harry's hard shaft. He moaned as her juices coated him. He pressed up against her and squeezed her thighs, wishing she would go faster.
"Ahh, yes... please, yes, I want to." The unbearably horny wizard answered.
"That's good. Very good." Hermione smiled down at him. She lifted her body and took his cock in her hand, feeling it pulse with excitement. She placed the tip inside her tight, warm opening and then removed her hand before sitting down hard. Driving his length into her depths much quicker than Harry expected.
"Haaaaaa, fuck!" Hermione sighed as Harry groaned his relief.
He loved the sight as Hermione's little pussy lips were forced to spread wide open to accommodate his full size at once. Harry's burning desire instantly felt better but at the same time worse. Like the kind of itch that itches more as you scratch it. Being inside Hermione's hot pussy this time felt even better than before. It felt better than anything ever had. Hermione raised and lowered slowly a few times.
"Mmmm...Ooooo...So gooood..." she moaned quietly as she began humping up and down on her best friend's boner at her leisure. She would occasionally stop at the bottom and grind in circles to press her clit hard against him. Each time she did this her moans turned to a more guttural growl.
Harry placed his hands on her smooth thighs and for a moment he just lie there in awe of her beauty, watching the subtle jiggle of her most delicious parts while she rode him. For the second time today Hermione Granger, Miss Goody Two-shoes, was fucking him in broad daylight on the Quidditch pitch and loving it. But Harry still needed more. He began pumping his hips in time with the gorgeous witch, and in no time had increased their speed. He began thrusting his cock into her harder. Hermione responded and started bouncing faster.
"Oh! Harry... yesss...Ahh!" Harry loved the way Hermione's tits bounced as their insatiable teenage genitals slammed together.
"Oh, Hermione!" The fast paced friction on Harry's dick was exactly what he had been aching for. And as Hermione rode him she realized that this hard, primal fucking was just what she needed.
"Oh, yes! Harry, fuck me! Ah!" She felt her pony tail slap against her back.
"Mmm, Hermione! You‘re…Ooo…so hot!" Harry loved the adorable sex noises she made as well as the coarse expletives. Neither of which had he heard from her innocent, young mouth before today.
"Oh, fuck! Uh! Fuck me! Harry! Fuck me hard!" Hermione felt the full weight of her firm breasts as they bounced harder than she had ever experienced.
“Hermione! You’re so… Oh! So wet! Ahh! So beautiful!”
"Your cock!...feels so good! Ah! Fuck me, Harry! Uh! Fuck me!" Their bodies collided over and over, and Hermione felt a large jolt of pleasure each time Harry's steel rod slammed deep into her needy cunt.
"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me so hard!" She couldn't get enough. "Fuck me deep! Give it to me! Oh! Harry! Fuck me!"
"Hermione! Your tight! So hot! Uhh!" Harry groaned.
The bouncing beauty straddled him with her legs spread wide and rode him as hard as she could.
"Harder! Harder! Ahh! Fuck me harder!" she begged.
Hermione leaned forward to feel the impact more forcefully on her clit each time their bodies met. This position caused the full weight of her breasts to bounce even more freely, and now only inches from Harry's face, much to the boys delight. It also enabled Harry to place his hands firmly on the teen witch's small waist to force her down harder each time he thrust into her. He held her so tightly as they pounded toward their common goal and in that moment Ms. Hermione Jean Granger realized that she had never felt more like a woman in her entire life. It was the most powerful and liberating feeling she'd ever known.
"Fuck me, Harry!" She pleaded into his stunning green eyes. "Ah! Ah! Fuck me with your big cock! Oh! Yes! Fuck me so hard! Ah! So deep! Ah! Fuck me so good! Fuck me!" Harry was beginning to recognize the look on Hermione's face as pure desperation just as they both heard
"Wingardium leviosa."
"Ahhhhh!" Hermione screamed her surprise as Ginny levitated her up and off of her boyfriend's thrusting cock.
"What...!" Harry gasped and sat up.
Hermione quickly realized what had happened and stared daggers at the smiling ginger with a wand in her hand.
"You! Complete! Ass, Ginny Weasley!" She yelled, her tits jiggling as she threw a tantrum from several feet in the air.
"My turn!" Ginny teased. "It's not very fun getting interrupted before you're done is it, Hermione."
"Uuhhg!" Hermione growled in frustration, but was helpless to do anything.
Harry, while still surprised, couldn't help but smile at the sight. Hermione was uniquely adorable when she was angry, and Harry had always secretly loved that about her. It also didn't hurt that in her present state her nude, teenage body was weightless and displayed beautifully as she hovered.
After a moment Hermione had calmed herself enough to realize she wasn't getting down on her own.
"Fine!" She crossed her arms in a huff. "I guess I had that coming after cutting short your first time fucking your boyfriend."
"Aaand, don't forget that you already came on my boyfriend once, and I still haven't. At all." Ginny added.
"Yes, yes, I realize." Hermione said shortly, feeling guilty but still very disappointed. "So put me down already and you can have your turn then." She conceded, throwing a kick in Ginny’s direction.
"Gladly." Ginny answered with smug satisfaction.
Hermione landed softly on the grass.
"You couldn't wait one more minute... That wasn't funny..." Hermione sulked, feeling her warm pussy juice dripping to her inner thighs.
"It was kind of funny." The mischievous redhead answered while failing to conceal her smile.
"Alright you." Ginny turned to eye her boyfriend.
"Who, me?" Harry played along feeling his nervous excitement rebuild.
"Yes you, with that fat cock." She smiled. "Lay back down so I can find out if you're as much fun to ride naked as my broom." Ginny said in an arousingly demanding tone.
"Yeah, alright." Harry quickly lie back down smiling.
Ginny stepped over to him and spread her legs to place a foot on either side of his hips and this caused her glistening pussy lips to spread as well. Harry looked up at his stunning ginger girlfriend, trying to take in every inch of her but finding it difficult to look anywhere but her hot pink slit. She clearly loved that she had his full attention once again. He watched as she reached a hand down to rub a finger through her smooth lips. She rubbed over her clitoris several times before reaching further under to push a slender finger into herself as deep as it would go. Harry watched intently, looking back and forth between her adorable, smirking face and her busy fingers.
Even now that Harry had had sex with two beautiful girls there was something so highly erotic about watching his girlfriend fingering her little vagina that he promised himself he would persuade her to let him watch her masturbate to completion sometime in future. Maybe he could talk Hermione into letting him watch her as well. Maybe they'd even masturbate at the same time for him, side by side while he wanked his cock. But for now he was getting so much more than that, and could still hardly believe it was real.
These two girls were the prettiest in all of Hogwarts. Maybe in all the world. From the day Harry had learned how to masturbate these two girls had been the stars of the majority of his sexual fantasies. It did at times cause him some guilty feelings, what with Hermione so obviously always thinking of him like a brother, and with Ginny being Ron's little sister. But Harry couldn't help himself. He was just a boy after all, and he had always found these beautiful girls very attractive.
Once when he had saved Hermione from a troll she had embraced Harry so tightly that he actually began to become erect beneath his school robes. This would later inspire a multitude of masturbatory fantasies in which Hermione was so grateful to Harry for saving her life that she insisted on repaying her hero with many, many sexual favors. Of course the following year after Harry saved Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets he had very similar fantasies about the adorable, freckle faced, red haired girl.
In fact, now that Harry thought of it, thanks to the doubling charms the girls had used on him as he ejaculated earlier, perhaps the real-life Ginny and Hermione were at this very moment filled with just as much of Harry's hot semen as the "fantasy" Ginny and Hermione had consumed over the years.
"And if not, well... the day's not over yet!" Harry thought to himself, grinning ear to ear as Ginny straddled him and spread herself open, literally aching to ride his throbbing cock.
To be continued…
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Harry Potter and the Seven Lost Virginities: Part 3
Harry Potter flew through the spring air as fast as the old school broom could carry him. His entire being ached with a need like he had never felt before. Harry's impossibly attractive classmates, Ginny Weasley and Hermione Granger, had brought his arousal to a boiling point and he desperately needed to feel them again. Both of them. Every inch. But first he had to catch them. As badly as he wanted to once again penetrate them both, he could hardly contain himself just at the thought of licking their beautifully smooth, young pussies. He couldn't wait to get to some real action. To feel their naked skin pressed against his own. To rub them, and squeeze them. To possess their most private parts.
The girls were flying fast on their brooms, already nearing the other end of the pitch. It seemed impossible that he would ever catch them riding a lousy school broom, but that wasn't all that was impeding his speed. It was also quite uncomfortable for a wizard to be riding a broom nearly naked and with a full erection. But at least it was the best of the school brooms so there was no danger of splinters.
For the moment the witches seemed to be paying no attention to him. He was gaining on them as they rounded the goal posts. Then just as he had nearly caught up to the pair of topless teases Harry heard Ginny yell.
"Now!" and her and Hermione split in two different directions. That's something that no Snitch he ever chased could do.
Harry needed a plan. Obviously Hermione had the least amount of experience on a broom so she would be the easiest to catch and Harry should start with her. He tried making the kind of sharp turn he was used to but the old school broom was not up to his standards.
Meanwhile the girls were back to just enjoying the chase as they playfully taunted their sexually frustrated friend. More than anything though, they were enjoying the light vibrations from the broom handles of their powerful racing brooms. They could both feel a light buzzing between their legs as they rode. If they leaned back to slow down they could feel it on their delicate assholes. If they leaned forward to speed up they felt it directly on their sensitive clits. The vibrations seemed to increase with the speed of the brooms.
Ginny couldn't believe that even with all her experience on brooms she had never noticed the vibrations before, but then she had never ridden a broom naked.
"Why have I never done this? It's wonderful!" Ginny thought to herself. She had never felt so free and alive as the wind played through her long red hair and over her freckled skin. It teased her erect nipples and tickled her moist pussy. She was glad that Quidditch brooms were magically treated to keep moisture from damaging the wood because she was certainly going to leave hers drenched. She wondered to herself if that's where the old saying "Ridden hard and put away wet." had actually come from. Ginny realized then that this definitely would not be the last time she rode her broom hard while naked.
"Speaking of naked and hard, where is my boyfriend now?" She thought, bringing herself back to the task at hand. She looked around to see where her friends were and saw Harry gaining on Hermione. Ginny decided to intervene and keep the chase going on a little longer. She quickly turned her broom and sped toward them. The vibrations in her nether regions increased, exciting her further. As she reached her friends she flew lower and yelled up at Harry.
"Having fun, Harry?"
"I'll be having more fun in a minute!" Harry yelled down to her.
Just then the sunlight glistened on a drop of Hermione's pussy juice as it dripped from her broom. Without thinking Ginny's hand shot out with the agility of a true Seeker to catch the glittering drop. Ginny saw that Harry was watching and decided to lick Hermione's wetness from her palm. She relished the new feeling of arousal she got from tasting another girls juices for the first time.
"Ooh, she tastes so good, Harry! Too bad you can't catch her and find out for yourself!" She taunted her boyfriend. Harry crouched lower on his broom, trying to decrease wind resistance and increase his speed, while Ginny sped up and raised to fly beside Hermione. As she moved into position it was obvious to her that Harry must be able to see right up their school girl skirts as they blew in the wind.
They were indeed giving the young wizard quite a show. He had the perfect upskirt view of their assholes totally exposed as their moist pussies pressed against their broomsticks. He compared the beautiful teen witches side by side from this angle. It made Harry want them so badly. He was filled with a desperate need to taste them. His entire being ached to fuck them.
"Are you even trying, Harry? Or are you just taking your time to enjoy the view?" Hermione called over her shoulder causing her and Ginny both to giggle. They really enjoyed their teasing of the boy.
"Who wouldn't enjoy a view like this?" Harry smiled.
"If you can catch a little golden Snitch why can't you catch this little pink snatch?" Ginny added and the girls laughed again. Before Harry could respond Ginny had worked her skirt free with one hand, and removed it. Harry thought Ginny getting more naked was meant to encourage him until she held her skirt out and let it fly back right into his face.
"Hey!" Harry yelled, flying blind.
"Go, Hermione!" Ginny yelled, and the girls split up again.
Harry slowed and pulled Ginny's skirt off is face in time to see them race away laughing. Hermione was still his best bet, so he turned and sped off in her direction.
Hermione felt like she had done a decent job of evading her Seeker friend, even if he did have the disadvantage of a slower broom. But in a few short minutes he was gaining on her again. Even as horny as Hermione was, it was so much fun teasing Harry and for the moment wanted to keep going.
"Alright, Harry." She said to herself. "Let's see what your Firebolt can really do." But as she sped up as fast as she could the good vibrations from the powerful racing broom between her legs became too much to handle. She realized her mistake too late and came hard almost instantly.
"OH! Oooh!"
She felt so weakened that she leaned forward to clutch the broom with her whole body for fear of falling off. This shifting of her weight made by such an inexperienced rider only caused the vibrating hard wood to buck wildly beneath her, greatly intensifying her orgasm.
"Ah! Haa!" All she could do was scream her utter bliss as she held tightly to the magnificent magical thing.
"Yeeess! Yes! Oh! Oh! Aaaahhh! Haaaaaahhhh! FUCK! YES! Aaaaahhhh! Oohhh!“ Her pussy creamed onto Harry's broom as it slowed, and Hermione rode out her wildly fulfilling orgasm. This allowed Harry to easily swoop in from behind. As he approached he stole another glance up her skirt at her delicious round ass before getting one arm around her quivering form to stop her completely. Hermione's naked skin felt so good against his own and it made Harry's cock throb as he held her tight. He needed to feel more.
"Alright, you caught me!" Hermione said still breathing hard, and not fighting Harry's embrace as much as someone would have if they didn't actually want to get caught. It actually felt very good to be held after her climax, and she was still trembling slightly.
As Hermione sat up again she turned to look into Harry's eyes just as she felt him pull her closer. His arm was reaching further around her slender form, and he looked right back into her eyes as she felt his hand reach her firm, full breast. Harry smiled when she made no attempt to stop him. It felt better than Harry had ever dreamed. He never new anything could feel so smooth and soft. Hermione continued to breathe heavily through her mouth as Harry cupped her breast and began to gently squeeze.
Hermione’s flesh was cool from racing in the wind. Her breast was so round and fit perfectly in Harry’s hand. Her nipple was already firm, yet responsive to his touch. As Harry pinched it between two fingers Hermione could hold herself back no longer and lunged to kiss him. Harry held her tighter as she wrapped one arm around him. He squeezed her tit harder as he felt her soft tongue invading his mouth.
At all of the combined sensations Harry’s cock became so hard that it hurt but he didn’t even care. Hermione sighed deeply, humming into Harry‘s mouth. It was the perfect tender kiss. The one they had both been longing for since the moment Hermione had given Harry her virginity and climaxed on his cock. But Hermione knew she had to stop kissing him now or she may never be able to. She pulled away, to his obvious disappointment and tried to refocus on their little game of chase.
"I guess I have to help you catch Ginny now." Hermione offered.
"Hermione, I need more. Please? I have to taste you. Please, can I lick your pretty pussy already?"
Hermione couldn't suppress her smile upon hearing the desperation in Harry's voice as he begged to lick her “pretty pussy“.
"The deal was you can lick us both once you catch us both. I'm too sensitive right now anyway." She watched as Harry's hopeful expression fell. Then she noticed a large drop of pre-come oozing from the tip of her best friend’s ridged erection, and it gave her an idea.
"But... since I hate to make you wait and, ahem, we both seem to have a surplus of fluids at the moment…” She glanced obviously at Harry’s dribbling dick. “I'd love for you to taste me right now. So let‘s make a trade."
Harry's eyes widened as Hermione raised slightly off the Firebolt and slid two fingers into her moist hole. She gave a soft moan "Mmm..." and pulled her fingers out again lustrous with her teenage cream.
“Go on.“ Hermione held her fingers away from him and nodded towards Harry’s cock.
“Oh, right.“ Harry scooped up his leaking load with his fingers and offered them to Hermione who paused a moment, looking into his green eyes.
“You know, Harry, as long as I’m around you never have to let a single drop of your semen go to waste. What are friends for, after all?” She said softly and then held her fingers in front of Harry’s lips where he immediately sucked them.
With eyes closed Harry savored the experience of tasting a woman's wetness for the first time. The taste he had been craving that matched the delicious scent he had first smelled on Hermione’s wet panties. The flavor that equaled the aroma in the air after Hermione made love to him for the very first time.
Hermione watched Harry enjoying himself while she slowly licked the treat from his fingers and couldn't help but smile as he seemed to enjoy her cum as much as she had been enjoying his.
"You taste so good, Hermione." Harry complimented when he was finished.
"Thank you." Hermione grinned slyly, thinking of all the ways she could satisfy her urges with the help of a handsome friend who was so eager just to taste her pussy juice.
"Now let's catch your girlfriend so you can taste her." Hermione removed her skirt, folded it, and placed it under her sensitive pussy to eliminate the vibrations she would otherwise feel.
"And maybe I'll taste her too." She added to spur on the boy wizard’s excitement.
"Yes!" Harry expressed his love for the idea as they sped off towards Ginny. They could both see her easily at the other end of the pitch. Her copper colored hair was glinting in the bright sunlight, beckoning to them like a lucky penny.
"Okay, I figure I can't match her speed on this broom, and you can't match her maneuverability." Harry explained, trying to focus on his Quidditch instincts so he could finally end this torturous waiting game.
"Right. So what's the plan?" Hermione asked.
"I fly at her straight from here, and you swoop around that way. We come at her from separate directions and force her to fly along a wall.
"We need to make her fly as fast as she can." Hermione said.
"You saw what just happened to me. Trust me Harry. We need her to fly as fast as her broom will go."
"Okay. Right. Same basic plan. You try to chase her toward me. We want to push her towards the wall, so she'll have nowhere to go. We limit her exits and she'll have to speed off as fast as she can in whatever direction she can..."
"And then we'll have her. Trust me, Harry. If her Broom is half as powerful as my new best friend here, she won't get far!" Hermione laughed.
"Alright. Fly that way!" Harry instructed, and they split up.
Meanwhile Ginny had been having quite a good time on her own. She had tried all of the most difficult flying tricks that she knew, and just as she had expected, they were all ten times as exhilarating in her current state of undress. Just as she had finished with a series of loops she became aware of Harry flying fast in her direction.
"Oh, bloody hell!" Ginny exclaimed as she turned and flew the other way. She flew along the wall and was just about to change course when she saw Hermione flying at her from that way.
"We're gonna get you, Ginny!" Hermione yelled, feeling the need to warn her friend that she was no longer on her side.
"No fair!" Ginny yelled back.
Hermione's angle was just right so it wouldn't be safe to try to escape along the wall, or to Hermione's other side. Meanwhile Harry was closing fast from behind, leaving her very few options. Ginny's Quidditch instincts kicked in and she immediately thought "How would a snitch escape two seekers coming at it from these two angles?" She began bobbing up and down, then weaving left and right, trying to confuse her friends. Ginny's anticipation built as the two came closer and closer. If she wasn't careful they would have her trapped against the wall for sure. The excited panic built in her stomach like she hadn't felt since she was a child playing tag. She had to move now. She chose her best way out and faked to the left just as Harry and Hermione reached her. She then rolled and darted quick to the right, barely escaping in time.
Ginny was off like a shot toward center field but hadn't made it more than twenty feet from her pursuers when she realized the increased strength of the vibrations in her broom had just pushed her past the point of no return.
"Oh, no!...mmm...oooooohhhh....ooooohH!" She tried to fight it back, but that only made it more intense. "Haaa! Ahhh! Oohhhh!" She gripped her broom tightly with both hands and her muscular thighs. The wind tickling over her nakedness only intensified every sensation. She quickly forgot about escaping her friends and was now flying with no goal except to feel this powerful sexual gratification for as long as she possibly could.
"YES! Ahhh...FUCK..Ooooh! YES! Oh!" Her tits bounced as she began to grind and hump against the magical vibrating shaft of wood.
"FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! Aaaaaahhhhhh!" Her thighs burned from the effort and she changed her position as the broom began to slow. Now with one hand in front of her and the other gripping behind she slid her sopping cunt forward and back even faster.
"Uuuuhhhh! Uuuuhhhh! Oooooh! Mmmmm..." Ginny whined as her climax finally slowed along with her broom. Just then Harry and Hermione grabbed her from either side. In her vulnerable state it felt amazing being pressed tightly between the naked bodies of her friends. Harry couldn't help but steal a few squeezes of Ginny's lovely tits, just as he had done when he caught Hermione.
"Ooohh! Harry, behave yourself for a moment. We're not even back on the ground yet." She panted at her boyfriend, with a playful smile. With Harry and Hermione's help the three of them landed lightly on the soft grass of the Quidditch pitch. Harry's mouth was salivating at the thought of tasting Hermione Granger's little pussy again, and tasting Ginny’s ginger pussy for the first time. The three of them dropped their brooms on the grass in the warm sun.
"There, I caught you both. And you said, remember, you said I could lick both of you, and then maybe we'd do other things too! You said so, remember?" Harry was speaking quicker than usual, in his frantically aroused state.
"Well, I'll just watch for a minute. I'm sure I'm too sensitive right now." Ginny said removing her tie. "I can't believe how hard I just came on my broom!" She said with a laugh.
"They're amazing aren't they?" Hermione agreed, and took off her own tie. "Those vibrations. Don't be surprised if I ask to borrow your broom in future, Harry."
Harry had been admiring the teenage girls since they landed. Taking in every detail of their now completely nude bodies. They were both pale from the recent winter months, and it was now very noticeable that every inch of Ginny was covered in the same adorable freckles that covered her face. Their young bodies both had subtle differences yet somehow they were both obviously perfect. Harry's eyes traced over every curve and then he met Hermione's gaze.
She looked to her friend, who appeared very anxious. She took in the sight of his toned naked body with his rock hard erection jutting up into the air, pointed straight at her. He removed his tie as they had done, and Hermione realized that the time had come. Harry was obviously aching to please them both. Aching for his own release as well. Hermione had already decided that before the day was over she was going to give him all of herself. Everything he ached for and more. They were both finally going to have all the desires satisfied that had been building since the first day they met.
But Hermione just looked at her best friend, determined to make him ask for it. Maybe even wanting to hear him beg for it.
"Well, Hermione. What about you? You must be ready. Can I lick your pussy now?"
" “May I.” Mr. Potter." Hermione corrected him in her professor tone. She found him to be just too cute and she couldn't resist teasing him for a minute more. "You mean to ask "May I lick your pussy?"
"Whatever. Of course. May I Lick your pussy then?" Harry quickly asked.
"Well, I don't know..." Hermione played coy, placing her hands in front of her hairless vagina, and turning away slightly to look at him over one shoulder. She thought batting her eyes at him was an especially nice touch.
"Oh, come on! Please, Hermione? Please may I lick your beautiful, little pussy now?! You said I could! Please?!" He begged her. Ginny watched the exchange, very amused.
Hermione felt it would be cruel to keep Harry waiting any longer. Even as much as she was beginning to love her merciless teasing of her handsome friend. It was time for them to both get what they wanted.
"Alright, Harry. Yes, you may lick my beautiful, little pussy for me now."
Hermione loved how complimentary Harry was being while he was so horny for her, and made a mental note to watch for this kind of behavior in boys. Harry approached her, grateful to begin.
"Come here, and kneel down. Just like Ginny and I did for you." She pointed confidently to the grass just in front of her. Harry did as instructed like an excitable, obedient puppy.
"Don't you just love his eyes, Ginny?" She asked her friend.
"Oh yeah, they're the best in the school in my opinion." Ginny answered.
"You have such lovely green eyes, Harry, and I want to see them looking up at me while you do this. But don't move until I say." She took a small step forward and spread her legs to position herself.
Harry could smell her heated sex just inches away. It was even more intoxicating than when he smelled it on her panties or her fingers. This was direct from the source. He was dizzy with arousal as Hermione placed a soft hand on the side of his head
"Hands off for now. I just want your tongue." She instructed.
Harry did as he was told. His burning attraction for this intelligent, beautiful girl building further as he realized she was the kind of girl who knew exactly what she wanted, and how to get it. Hermione pulled his face toward her smooth separation excruciatingly slowly
"Don't move, Harry. Wait. Wait. Wait." She said in a near whisper.
Harry looked up into her angelic face, which from this angle was nearly eclipsed by her full, firm breasts. He loved how they looked even larger from his very subservient position, and he could barely contain himself. He kept looking up as he felt his lips finally contact her hot flesh. He couldn't resist pressing his face harder against her. He could actually feel her erect clitoris on his lips now and was already breathing heavier as he began trembling with his need to satisfy her every desire.
"Mmm...Now, Harry Potter, lick me." She softly ordered as she looked down into his green eyes.
Harry's tongue shot out of his mouth to penetrate Hermione's warm folds. He sawed it in and out lengthwise causing a delicious friction, repeatedly rubbing past her engorged clit.
"Oh… Oooooo..." his attractive classmate began to moan. She felt so hot and wet. So slippery smooth on his tongue. He tasted her wetness again and groaned.
"Oh, Harry..." Then he swallowed and felt a rush through his whole body that made his cock throb with pleasure. He loved the thought of Hermione's pussy juice being inside of him. A part of her becoming a part of him. Quenching his lustful thirst with the essence of Hermione.
"Ooo yeah, so good..." After a moment he widened his tongue, trying to cover her entire vulva and lapped her like a happy dog.
"Mmm...yeah..." she pulled his head tighter against her. Harry put his whole mouth on her to create a suction around her pink pearl while he teased it with his tongue.
"Yes! Mmmm...keep doing that." She placed her other hand on his head to hold him right on her love button. Harry enjoyed the view from below as her arms in this position squished her firm breasts together. After a minute Harry tilted his head farther back and began probing up into her, tongue fucking Hermione's insides.
"Oooh, Haaarry... " Hearing his name driven from Hermione's perfect lips only made him want to please her more. He increased the speed of his thrusting tongue.
"Oh, that's good!" She enjoyed this for minutes before deciding to take more control.
"Push your tongue against me. Hold it firm like that." Harry did so as Hermione gripped his untidy dark hair in both hands. She gyrated her hips and ground her clit in circles against his firm tongue.
"Yeah...Ooooh...mmmm!" She moaned low and sensual.
Then she rocked her hips forward and back as she held his head firmly to her burning genitals. She was using his mouth like her own personal sex toy and he loved it.
Ginny watched the erotic display as Hermione appeared to face fuck her boyfriend and felt a tingle in her loins at the thought of trying the same sort of things with him. But she knew she would have to let them go on just a little while longer before she'd be ready to join in the fun again.
Hermione was breathing so heavily now that Harry could no longer see her face past her heaving, pushed together, mounds of tit flesh.
"Haaa... Uhhh! Oooo!"
She was the most beautifully erotic being that Harry had ever seen, and he could no longer resist putting his hands on her. He placed them first on her toned calves and felt their smoothness. He moved them up to her juicy thighs, squeezing them. Finally he slid them up to her firm, round ass cheeks. He cupped them, loving the feel of their weight on his palms before he began kneading them. Every inch of Hermione's skin felt like living silk. He squeezed her ass harder, pulling her tighter against him as Hermione continued her gyrations on his tongue. The girl began to tremble.
"Ahhh...Oooh...Yes! Fuck, that‘s good!" His strong hands on her bottom felt so amazing while he ate her that Hermione felt her knees wobble. They were obviously ready to buckle from the intense pleasure Harry was giving her and she decided they had better change position.
"Wait, Harry." Harry nearly panicked as she pushed him from her.
"Lie down for me." Harry released her cheeks and quickly did as he was told.
"I know we said you had to lick us both to orgasm before you could fuck us again, but I don't think I can wait that long to get something stiff up my cunt." Hermione's eyes sparkled as she spoke the provocative words, and she got down on her knees to straddle Harry's erection.
"Besides, I'm sure we can trust you, can't we?" Hermione lowered herself down on top of Harry and sat on him so that his hard cock was pressed between his lower abdomen and her sultry pussy.
"Ooo, yes, of course you can." Harry quickly agreed, loving Hermione's body weight on top of him. It made him ache to buck against her. He could feel Hermione's heat and moisture on the underside of his dick. It throbbed and with Hermione pressing down on him even she could feel it.
"I'm sure you'll still be happy to lick both of us until we come, won't you?" Hermione giggled and began sliding forward and back to slowly grind her wet pussy against the full length of Harry's hard shaft. He moaned as her juices coated him. He pressed up against her and squeezed her thighs, wishing she would go faster.
"Ahh, yes... please, yes, I want to." The unbearably horny wizard answered.
"That's good. Very good." Hermione smiled down at him. She lifted her body and took his cock in her hand, feeling it pulse with excitement. She placed the tip inside her tight, warm opening and then removed her hand before sitting down hard. Driving his length into her depths much quicker than Harry expected.
"Haaaaaa, fuck!" Hermione sighed as Harry groaned his relief.
He loved the sight as Hermione's little pussy lips were forced to spread wide open to accommodate his full size at once. Harry's burning desire instantly felt better but at the same time worse. Like the kind of itch that itches more as you scratch it. Being inside Hermione's hot pussy this time felt even better than before. It felt better than anything ever had. Hermione raised and lowered slowly a few times.
"Mmmm...Ooooo...So gooood..." she moaned quietly as she began humping up and down on her best friend's boner at her leisure. She would occasionally stop at the bottom and grind in circles to press her clit hard against him. Each time she did this her moans turned to a more guttural growl.
Harry placed his hands on her smooth thighs and for a moment he just lie there in awe of her beauty, watching the subtle jiggle of her most delicious parts while she rode him. For the second time today Hermione Granger, Miss Goody Two-shoes, was fucking him in broad daylight on the Quidditch pitch and loving it. But Harry still needed more. He began pumping his hips in time with the gorgeous witch, and in no time had increased their speed. He began thrusting his cock into her harder. Hermione responded and started bouncing faster.
"Oh! Harry... yesss...Ahh!" Harry loved the way Hermione's tits bounced as their insatiable teenage genitals slammed together.
"Oh, Hermione!" The fast paced friction on Harry's dick was exactly what he had been aching for. And as Hermione rode him she realized that this hard, primal fucking was just what she needed.
"Oh, yes! Harry, fuck me! Ah!" She felt her pony tail slap against her back.
"Mmm, Hermione! You‘re…Ooo…so hot!" Harry loved the adorable sex noises she made as well as the coarse expletives. Neither of which had he heard from her innocent, young mouth before today.
"Oh, fuck! Uh! Fuck me! Harry! Fuck me hard!" Hermione felt the full weight of her firm breasts as they bounced harder than she had ever experienced.
“Hermione! You’re so… Oh! So wet! Ahh! So beautiful!”
"Your cock!...feels so good! Ah! Fuck me, Harry! Uh! Fuck me!" Their bodies collided over and over, and Hermione felt a large jolt of pleasure each time Harry's steel rod slammed deep into her needy cunt.
"Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me so hard!" She couldn't get enough. "Fuck me deep! Give it to me! Oh! Harry! Fuck me!"
"Hermione! Your tight! So hot! Uhh!" Harry groaned.
The bouncing beauty straddled him with her legs spread wide and rode him as hard as she could.
"Harder! Harder! Ahh! Fuck me harder!" she begged.
Hermione leaned forward to feel the impact more forcefully on her clit each time their bodies met. This position caused the full weight of her breasts to bounce even more freely, and now only inches from Harry's face, much to the boys delight. It also enabled Harry to place his hands firmly on the teen witch's small waist to force her down harder each time he thrust into her. He held her so tightly as they pounded toward their common goal and in that moment Ms. Hermione Jean Granger realized that she had never felt more like a woman in her entire life. It was the most powerful and liberating feeling she'd ever known.
"Fuck me, Harry!" She pleaded into his stunning green eyes. "Ah! Ah! Fuck me with your big cock! Oh! Yes! Fuck me so hard! Ah! So deep! Ah! Fuck me so good! Fuck me!" Harry was beginning to recognize the look on Hermione's face as pure desperation just as they both heard
"Wingardium leviosa."
"Ahhhhh!" Hermione screamed her surprise as Ginny levitated her up and off of her boyfriend's thrusting cock.
"What...!" Harry gasped and sat up.
Hermione quickly realized what had happened and stared daggers at the smiling ginger with a wand in her hand.
"You! Complete! Ass, Ginny Weasley!" She yelled, her tits jiggling as she threw a tantrum from several feet in the air.
"My turn!" Ginny teased. "It's not very fun getting interrupted before you're done is it, Hermione."
"Uuhhg!" Hermione growled in frustration, but was helpless to do anything.
Harry, while still surprised, couldn't help but smile at the sight. Hermione was uniquely adorable when she was angry, and Harry had always secretly loved that about her. It also didn't hurt that in her present state her nude, teenage body was weightless and displayed beautifully as she hovered.
After a moment Hermione had calmed herself enough to realize she wasn't getting down on her own.
"Fine!" She crossed her arms in a huff. "I guess I had that coming after cutting short your first time fucking your boyfriend."
"Aaand, don't forget that you already came on my boyfriend once, and I still haven't. At all." Ginny added.
"Yes, yes, I realize." Hermione said shortly, feeling guilty but still very disappointed. "So put me down already and you can have your turn then." She conceded, throwing a kick in Ginny’s direction.
"Gladly." Ginny answered with smug satisfaction.
Hermione landed softly on the grass.
"You couldn't wait one more minute... That wasn't funny..." Hermione sulked, feeling her warm pussy juice dripping to her inner thighs.
"It was kind of funny." The mischievous redhead answered while failing to conceal her smile.
"Alright you." Ginny turned to eye her boyfriend.
"Who, me?" Harry played along feeling his nervous excitement rebuild.
"Yes you, with that fat cock." She smiled. "Lay back down so I can find out if you're as much fun to ride naked as my broom." Ginny said in an arousingly demanding tone.
"Yeah, alright." Harry quickly lie back down smiling.
Ginny stepped over to him and spread her legs to place a foot on either side of his hips and this caused her glistening pussy lips to spread as well. Harry looked up at his stunning ginger girlfriend, trying to take in every inch of her but finding it difficult to look anywhere but her hot pink slit. She clearly loved that she had his full attention once again. He watched as she reached a hand down to rub a finger through her smooth lips. She rubbed over her clitoris several times before reaching further under to push a slender finger into herself as deep as it would go. Harry watched intently, looking back and forth between her adorable, smirking face and her busy fingers.
Even now that Harry had had sex with two beautiful girls there was something so highly erotic about watching his girlfriend fingering her little vagina that he promised himself he would persuade her to let him watch her masturbate to completion sometime in future. Maybe he could talk Hermione into letting him watch her as well. Maybe they'd even masturbate at the same time for him, side by side while he wanked his cock. But for now he was getting so much more than that, and could still hardly believe it was real.
These two girls were the prettiest in all of Hogwarts. Maybe in all the world. From the day Harry had learned how to masturbate these two girls had been the stars of the majority of his sexual fantasies. It did at times cause him some guilty feelings, what with Hermione so obviously always thinking of him like a brother, and with Ginny being Ron's little sister. But Harry couldn't help himself. He was just a boy after all, and he had always found these beautiful girls very attractive.
Once when he had saved Hermione from a troll she had embraced Harry so tightly that he actually began to become erect beneath his school robes. This would later inspire a multitude of masturbatory fantasies in which Hermione was so grateful to Harry for saving her life that she insisted on repaying her hero with many, many sexual favors. Of course the following year after Harry saved Ginny in the Chamber of Secrets he had very similar fantasies about the adorable, freckle faced, red haired girl.
In fact, now that Harry thought of it, thanks to the doubling charms the girls had used on him as he ejaculated earlier, perhaps the real-life Ginny and Hermione were at this very moment filled with just as much of Harry's hot semen as the "fantasy" Ginny and Hermione had consumed over the years.
"And if not, well... the day's not over yet!" Harry thought to himself, grinning ear to ear as Ginny straddled him and spread herself open, literally aching to ride his throbbing cock.
To be continued…
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Happy birthday Harry Potter!
Happy birthday to the boy who lived, Mr. Harold James Potter! On this
joyous occasion why not have a reminder of the biggest reasons why we
all wish we could be Harry Potter. Those reasons being all the lovely ladies
of Hogwarts of course! So here they are as designed by LoyalServant for
his page harrypotter3dsexies.
First we see the girls in their everyday sexy attire and then we see them all in their birthday suits! They look very ready to celebrate with Harry on his special day. Hermione, my favorite, is right at the top of the list, but I'm sure nobody would kick any of these beautiful witches out of their four poster. They are all truly magical. Enjoy!
First we see the girls in their everyday sexy attire and then we see them all in their birthday suits! They look very ready to celebrate with Harry on his special day. Hermione, my favorite, is right at the top of the list, but I'm sure nobody would kick any of these beautiful witches out of their four poster. They are all truly magical. Enjoy!
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Hermione by moonlight, candlelight, and booklight.
Here's an amazing piece depicting our favorite teen witch having a bit of naughty magical fun all on her own. Or maybe she's just keeping herself occupied with that large toy until whoever she's waiting for arrives. Either way I know I'd love to be wandering Hogwarts at night only to be pleasantly surprised by this stunning vision. Unfortunately I didn't find an artist mark on this one, but I'm sure the style won't be difficult to recognize if I do find anymore from them. Enjoy!

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